Testosterone Supplement Cases

What is it?
Pharmaceutical companies have been conducting a marketing campaign across the country that changes our view of a man’s natural aging process to make it seem like a medical condition in need of treatment. Thanks to this type of advertising, many men have been prescribed testosterone supplements.
They come in many forms, such as patches, injections, or gels, and include a variety of names. Those names include:
- Andro LA 200
- Androderm
- Aveed
- Axiron
- Bio-T-Gel
- Delatestryl (enanthate)
- Depo-Testosterone (cypionate)
- FIRST-Testosterone
- FIRST-Testosterone MC
- Fortesta
- Striant
- Tesamone-100 IM
- Testim
- Testopel
- TestopelAndrogel
Prescriptions for low-t drugs have tripled in the U.S. since 2001. Three million were written for AndroGel alone in one year. Testosterone boosting drugs are expected to reach five billion dollars in sales by 2017. However, these drugs are only for the treatment of a relatively rare medical condition known as hypogonadism. 1 in 4 men who use these drugs were never tested for this condition at all.
Dangerous Risks
In addition to this misuse recent studies have shown a direct link between the use of testosterone supplements and a 30% higher risk of Stroke, Heart Attack, Blood Clot in the Lungs, Blood Clot in the Deep Veins or Death. A cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic compared this risk to smoking one or two packs of cigarettes a day, or having sky-high cholesterol.
Use of low-t drugs increases a man’s chance of heart attack and stroke by two-three times the normal rate. In fact, studies show that the risk of a serious cardiac incident outweighs any potential benefit to the user. Most symptoms could have been combated, instead, with a healthy diet and exercise.
Until recently, Pharmaceutical companies did not disclose the dangers of these drugs even after they knew about them. In March, 2015 the FDA required a label to include these risks and clarify the approved use.
False Marketing
The Pharmaceutical companies marketed their products claiming to be a miracle cure to combat the signs of aging. They encouraged healthy men to expose themselves needlessly to serious health complications. They claimed low-t drugs could improve sleeping, give energy, improve sex drive, and perform physical changes. Campaigns featured older male athletes and implied that low-t drugs were for every man. The market hype used misleading statements as to the benefits of these low-t drugs to increase their own profits.
The marketing outpaced the research and glossed over the risks. Pharmaceutical companies have never tested them to determine whether they are safe to use in the way they have been promoting and failed to warn men of the dangers.
Have you or Someone you Love Been Exposed to this Risk?
If you or someone you care for experienced a stroke, heart attack or blood clot while taking testosterone supplements, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost income or other losses. Taking action will also hold these companies accountable for marketing a product that they knew to be dangerous to people who did not need the product in the first place.
Call the Hershewe Law Firm at 417-999-9999 or contact us for a free consultation to find out how we can help.